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Stop the Bleed Kits

Stop the Bleed Kit Request Form​​

Region V EMS has purchased a limited number of Stop the Bleed Kits for distribution to EMS agencies in Region V.  If your agency or community would like to request stop the bleed kits for your agency or locations in your community, please fill out the form below.

Requests will be voted on at the next regular meeting of the Region V Board of Directors.  Limited quantities are available per agency and are approved based on request and need. Stop the Bleed training is necessary before the agency distributes the kits to their community.

Reach out to the Region 5 President with an questions.

Stop the Bleed Kit Request

Training Confirmation - Please confirm one of the following:
Training has already been provided for staff at the location indicated above.
Training will be provided for staff before the kit is stored at the location.
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